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Create a Pay Per Click Text Ad

Here you will find a a step by step guide on how to create a PPC advertisement with Adsvault.
Log in as an Advertiser 

Click on “New PPC Text Ad >> Desktop”

Ad Title: Add the title of your PPC advert. For this, you should put something that will attract people like a slogan for your website/product. It can be something like “lose weight fast!” or “Fun games”.

Ad Summary: Your ad summary is the content and what your ad is about. So put something like “Find out how to lose weight fast” or “Play fun addicting games all day”. Keep it short and simple but remember to make it interesting.

Display URL: Add your display URL – the keyword that you would like at the bottom of the ad. For a better chance of people clicking your advert, display the title as “weight loss” or “games”.

Target URL: Your target URL where you want the advertisement to go, your landing page.
Your ad will then be sent to us to accept. Now, you can add your desired keywords and how much you would like to pay for each keyword.
You can set a maximum daily amount you want to spend on an advert. If u only want to spend $5 per day on your ad or $30.
Set your keywords and the amount you want to pay for each keyword. The minimum in $0.05. Then you are done!  Just wait for your advert to be accepted and visitors to click your ad!
Remember your ad will be displayed on Adsvaults publisher websites, partner websites and our free blogging platform. Happy Advertising!
Read About Types of PPC Advertising With Adsvault

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