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Buying or Selling Freelancing Services for $6

With the Internet and the world wide web being the most popular way to share information, communicate and conduct research, there is no surprise that people have also started to create business opportunities, ways to market, make money online and bring in huge amounts of income every single day.

The web has also become an alternative to the normal, boring work schedules we all need to survive this thing called life. Being able to access the Internet has changed the way we live in ways that all our ancestors could not imagine. I’ll explain why.

As mentioned above, there is a ‘normal’ way to earning a steady income. We wake up, go to work for an employer who has hired us, carry out our duties – whether it be administration, building, manual labour, technical duties, or even cleaning. We earn an hourly rate or a fixed price income per year which can be at a minimum or maximum, depending on our job titles and duties. There’s nothing wrong with this way of earning a living – but it can be difficult to fit anything else into your life like social activities, relationships, spending more tome with children and so on as much as you would like to.

However, there are now ways that anyone, any age can make money online through many different types of services. You have the chance to earn a huge amount of money from selling, buying, blogging, writing, and lastly (but not leastly) freelancing.

Freelancing has changed the way the world works, because now people can hire and ‘get the job done’ from professionals all over the world, at a better cost. Freelancing can get us what we need, without hiring someone long term. We do not even have to physically meet the person. It is also a great way for people to earn an income, because you are providing your services and specialities for a decent amount of money.

Like everything, there is always new ideas and new methods to the world of online. 6Jobs is a website that allows you to make money online by monetising your skills and abilities. You can charge individuals a flat rate of $6 and earn a huge amount of income for small jobs that could take you between five minutes or an hour – it is all up to you. It can be any type of skill that you have, from Search Engine Optimisation to creative and wacky gift ideas, or even singing and drawing. Individuals like yourself can monetise any type of skill and generate fan base and regular customers who are willing to buy from you several times a month. It is also a wonderful place to meet new people and discover what others are willing to do for you for $6.

Imagine if you have posted a job that is popular, and it takes you five minutes to do. You get over 100 orders a day, and for every five minutes of your time, you earn $6. That’s some good money that you have earned. At 6Jobs, you have the freedom and flexibility to provide your skills and service to people all around the world safely.

Visit: 6Jobs for more information

Are You Looking for an Adsense Alternative?

Many webmasters and publishers are always searching for alternatives to Google AdSense. This is because Google may not accept certain types of websites, or webmasters have lost their accounts. In this article, I will tell you about a great AdSense alternative website, and explain a little about how publishers can make money online if they do not already know how to do so.

How Can I Make Money From My Website?

You can earn a great steady income from for website – easily. If you have a website with lots of traffic but need to find a way to monetize it, using PPC advertising as a publisher is your solution. On your website or blog, you can select a space(s) to display advertisements, and each time one of your visitors clicks on one of these ads, you get paid.

These ads are provided by advertising agencies. When you sign up as a publisher you will be able to earn revenue and customize the look and feel of ad blocks or text ads that will be displayed on your website.

You can make money through PPC ads as a publisher, affiliating, white label websites and many more. We are going to talk specifically about sites like AdSense and what to watch out for when using alternatives.

About Alternatives to AdSense

AdSense is known to be the biggest and most popular way for webmasters to make money online. However there are individuals who are always seeking alternatives to AdSense, for many different reasons, and of course, there are many out there. Getting banned from AdSense is common these days. However that is not the be all and end all. Alternatives can include pay per click agencies or affiliate networks. There are advertising agencies (although not as big) that pay well, are reliable and show the same type of ads which will give publishers the same results as expected from Google AdSense.

What To Look Out For
The most popular AdSense Alternatives are websites that pay their publishers well, pay on time and have great customer service. Publishers should look out for sites that have these qualities and good reviews. Reviews are very important – the mistake I generally used to make is not looking into a company properly – although it is good to give new company’s a try, especially if they do not have any particularly bad reviews.

Also, webmasters need to look out for scam sites – I will mention here that are those companies who think the can scam publishers. They will supply PPC advertising solutions but when it comes to the time to pay, they simply will not. Please be aware of these kind of sites. There will always be people who write reviews and warn other people about scam companies – if you are worried – just do a search and find out what others are saying.

Make sure that when you sign up with an advertising agency, you are able to track your earnings and clicks. You need to see exactly how much money you are getting per click and how often your clicks are being made so that you can keep an eye on your progress so you can change/improve your ad placements.

Lastly a few points need to be made here. If you have the opportunity to experiment and try out different company’s then do so – find the right one for you, that matches your site and your earning needs. Look out for the percentage of clicks that you get and make sure it is adequate. A great bonus is referral programs which can really boost your online income. I hope you found this article helpful.

Get more information about great tried and tested AdSense Alternatives here.

Visit us at PPC Advertising or at Online Advertising for more information.

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Create a Pay Per Click Text Ad

Here you will find a a step by step guide on how to create a PPC advertisement with Adsvault.
Log in as an Advertiser 

Click on “New PPC Text Ad >> Desktop”

Ad Title: Add the title of your PPC advert. For this, you should put something that will attract people like a slogan for your website/product. It can be something like “lose weight fast!” or “Fun games”.

Ad Summary: Your ad summary is the content and what your ad is about. So put something like “Find out how to lose weight fast” or “Play fun addicting games all day”. Keep it short and simple but remember to make it interesting.

Display URL: Add your display URL – the keyword that you would like at the bottom of the ad. For a better chance of people clicking your advert, display the title as “weight loss” or “games”.

Target URL: Your target URL where you want the advertisement to go, your landing page.
Your ad will then be sent to us to accept. Now, you can add your desired keywords and how much you would like to pay for each keyword.
You can set a maximum daily amount you want to spend on an advert. If u only want to spend $5 per day on your ad or $30.
Set your keywords and the amount you want to pay for each keyword. The minimum in $0.05. Then you are done!  Just wait for your advert to be accepted and visitors to click your ad!
Remember your ad will be displayed on Adsvaults publisher websites, partner websites and our free blogging platform. Happy Advertising!
Read About Types of PPC Advertising With Adsvault

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